A couple weeks ago in the Salt Lake Tribune, Utah’s ‘independent voice since 1871’, was an article that merited my attention. I can’t find it on a search at the moment, but I will. I wanted to post this blog before the election results later today for a number of reasons.

It was a piece by a gentleman who is a member of a think tank. I do not recall which tank, but I’m sure it’s one where a lot of really good thinking happens and is highly esteemed in the think tank community, else he would not have been allowed to be published in such an august retail media outlet that is the SL Trib.  Anyway, that was his listed credential. The essence of the article was that this: he was most upset with the fact that the Republican establishment had ‘allowed’ Donald Trump to become the Republican nominee and that he was so tortured by this development that such an unrefined person could be the party’s nominee and that he could not in good conscience support, and that he ‘would not forget’ who allowed this to happen.  I’m assuming that means that Mr. Think tank guy is keeping a list of some kind for treatment at his hands at a date to be determined in the future.

So, since making a list is an approved activity by really good thinkers, I will do the same.

Don’t know what I will do with the list–maybe I’ll sell it to a think tank. But the list will be fluid, as fitting to the situation we all find ourselves in daily.

My list will be compromised primarily of prominent members of the barking seals club AKA the Republican party establishment that chose not to support Donald Trump as the nominee of their party and not oppose efforts by Obama to declare by fiat, policies that have greatly affected millions of Americans adversely. Mr. Trump is the democratically selected nominee of their own party. Chosen by the members of their own party. That for some reason, the 17 Republican presidential candidates defeated by Donald Trump, by the vote of the people–done within the rules of RNC–was something that was just not handled well by the leadership of the party. Oligarch much, Mr. Think tank man?

No, I suspect it’s their having been chucked out of their own party by the members that don’t want them. Rejection is a bitch.

I do not have time at the moment to write everything I would like. But I commit to at some point in the near future. Regardless of whether Mr. Trump wins the election or not.

But I suspect the Republican party as currently constituted is finished. Not specifically because of Donald Trump, but a host of other reasons I intend to discuss later. But top of the list is that they have been exposed as the hypocrites they are, and a lot of people have been taking more notice as the last 8 years have rolled by that the interests of the party have been strikingly similar to the vested corporate interests that the democrat party serves. That there is in essence little substantive differentiation between the two.

On the list is: Mitt, Rove, the #nevertrumpcrowd, Dennis K. There are lots of ‘candidates’. Will be updated regularly. Oh, and a special spot for George Will, who is proof that humans have a ‘best if used by’ date, after which their usefulness to society is worthy of debate. And George’s appears to have to have happened sometime early in 2016.

by Trey Hawthorne

Don’t know why this is showing Nov 9. It’s 5:09 MDT Nov 8th