By Trey Hawthorne

Nov 8, 2016 –Election Day early afternoon

Turned off any media today

I was content today to just tune it all out and reflect. However, I came across an essay that for some reason really just put me over the top.

Written by Mike Krieger on his Liberty Blitzkrieg blog via Zerohedge.

I have followed Mike for a good while and like his essays. Apparently Mike felt self-anointed to declare the final thoughts on the the election. For a guy whose blog professes individual liberty he curiously came up with a textbook dodge and striking his colors with a big fence-sit. Just couldn’t bring himself to come out and directly say what his essay in essence did—that he’s for Hillary and continuation of the finely tuned extortion and highly organized criminal racket that is the Clinton crime machine. Yes, that Hillary who is the embodiment and point person of the collectivist/statist/globalist agenda that is the largest threat to individual liberty in the country’s history. Because he just doesn’t know what Donald will do. No one knows what will happen 5 minutes from now, let alone years from now, but Mike wants the opportunity in the future to wash his hands of whatever uncertainties Mr. Trump might bring. Sounds like the battered spouse syndrome of the ‘devil you know’.

Well Mike’s done exactly what most of the Republican establishment have done–when it came time to declare what you stand for; he dodged. Waffled. And worst of all, hedged. Declared provisos and conditions on the ‘unknowns’ of Donald Trump. Just come out and say you like the status quo and be done with it Mike.  Wikileaks has given anyone who wants to pay attention a glimpse into the world of the highest realms of the American status hierarchy and it is not a world where regular humans have any value beyond how they can be manipulated, used, bought and sold, deceived, cajoled, marketed to for the benefit of the few that comprise the criminal enterprise. Maybe Mike wants a seat at the table of self-dealing at the expense of all else and is willing to sacrifice the liberties and whatever paltry wealth of his fellow citizens for the privilege. But I’m willing to give Mike the benefit of the doubt a bit with that due to a few years of goodwill he’s built up with me.

The Clinton crime machine to me is a much greater threat to personal liberty and the solvency of the world financial system than Donald Trump will ever be. His fingerprints are on none of the policies that have brought us to this precarious point in our existence. Trump is a principled businessman pragmatist that has been very consistent in his message for many years, going back even to the 80s, for those who have taken time to do their due diligence. He loves America.  Wikileaks has shown us that those who know Hillary the best know exactly who they are dealing with and to what depths they will go to to achieve their goal–which is ‘whatever it takes’. One of the most hilarious was the one where the Clinton campaign operatives discussed that the best they could hope for was that with enough training and practice, she could be made to ‘sound human’. They know what they are working with.

So, I declare to the cosmos:

I support Donald Trump and Mike Pence 100%, without any conditions, for President and Vice President of the United States.

I believe Donald Trump to be an excellent and strong leader and has shown the ability to identify and hire capable, effective people to work for his businesses and his campaign and will do so as President of the US.

I believe that of the many reasons Donald Trump has been shown extremely enthusiastic support is that people sense that he really does care about them and America and therefore has made a connection with them. Millions of them. I am not so naive as to believe that that faith and trust will translate to a miraculous immediate fixing of the myriad of existential issues that face our country and literally the world, but that our best hope is Donald Trump, who may be the only morally uncompromised outsider capable of ‘draining the swamp’, which I believe along with Donald Trump is the first step.  There is no reform possible from within the Washington establishment. It has to be done by someone from without, with enough of his own resources to do so. That man is uniquely Donald Trump. He is truly a man of the moment. A unique convergence of events.

I believe that there is great value in the very simple observation that Donald Trump has operated for decades out in the open. He puts his name on everything he does. His plane, hotels, even his less than successful efforts–everything. His opponent (and I include many Republicans in this) operate in the corners and dark shadows and learn the dark art of sophistry and self-dealing under the dubious declared auspices of public service and questionable philanthropy.

Donald Trump is a force of nature. I have been a student of history and it’s self-apparent that some individuals for whatever reason are a force. ‘The Spirit breathes where it will’, says the good book. And we don’t know why or how or the reasons—just that it does. And that the choice of nature may even be a curious one. The forces of attraction are stronger and resonate with people much more that promotion and marketing. Donald Trump has that power of attraction.

Again: Donald Trump 2016

You have my vote and 100% support.